Did you enjoy President Trump’s executive action today? At long last, a physical barrier between the sovereign nation of the United States of America and our migrant-rich Neighbor to the South, the sovereign nation of Mexico. Does this make you angry? Do you feel President Trump and his cronies are racists? Does your heart bleed green, white and red? Sorry to tell you this: A ton of other countries already have border barriers to curtail undocumented immigration.

Want to hear something shocking? Some of our closest EU (and former EU) allies are just as guilty as the United States of either wanting to build border barriers or already built border barriers. The most recent example that began construction in 2016 is The Great Wall of Calais being built in Calais, France, to keep folks from the migrant camp in Calais (“The Jungle”) from entering the United Kingdom via tunnels connecting France to England. The United Kingdom’s successful bid to leave the EU (“Brexit”) was fueled in part by the European immigration crisis and its impact upon the UK’s economy, infrastructure, and just plain ol’ national interests.

Beyond “The Great Wall of Calais” that is under construction, for the illumination of my fellow Americans, here is a partial list of international border barriers already constructed to address specifically illegal immigration, illegal arms smuggling, illegal drug smuggling, and anti-terrorism:

  1. Botswana/Zimbabwe – Constructed in 2003
  2. Brunei/Limbang – Constructed in 2005
  3. Bulgaria/Turkey – Constructed in 2014
  4. Ceuta border fence (Spain) – Constructed in 2001
  5. China/Hong Kong – Constructed in the early 1960s
  6. Egypt/Gaza barrier – Constructed in 1979
  7. Macedonia/Greece barrier – Constructed in 2015
  8. Melilla border fence (Spain) – Constructed in 1998
  9. Hungary/Serbia – Constructed in 2015
  10. Hungary/Croatia – Constructed in 2015
  11. Indian Kashmir barrier (India) – Constructed in 2004
  12. Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan – Constructed in 2006
  13. Korean Demilitarized Zone (North Korea and South Korea) – Constructed in 1953
  14. Kruger National Park (South Africa and Mozambique) – Constructed in 1975
  15. South Africa/Zimbabwe – Constructed began in early 2000s
  16. Kuwait/Iraq – Constructed in 1991
  17. Saudi Arabia/Yemen – Constructed in 2004
  18. Saudi Arabia/Iraq – Constructed in 2014
  19. Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan – Constructed in 2001
  20. Uzbekistan/Afghanistan – Constructed in 2001
  21. Uzbekistan/Kyrgyzstan – Constructed in 1999
  22. The Great Wall of China – Construction began around 220 BC and ended around 1650-ish AD

And here is a list of international border barriers coming soon to a theater near you (Planned, Proposed, Under Construction):

  1. Argentina/Paraguay – Under construction
  2. Belize/Guatemala – Accepted by both countries
  3. China/North Korea – Under construction
  4. Costa Rica/Nicaragua – Proposed
  5. Estonia/Russia – Planned
  6. Malaysia/Thailand – Proposed
  7. India/Bangladesh – Under construction
  8. India/Burma – Under construction
  9. Iran/Pakistan – Under construction
  10. Norway/Russia – Under construction
  11. Slovenia/Croatia – Under construction
  12. Ukraine/Russia – Under construction
  13. United Arab Emirates/Oman – Under construction
  14. United Kingdom/France – Under construction
  15. United States of America/Mexico – Under construction

My opinions on international barriers, whether walls or fences or moats around the castle ramparts, are not why I’ve shared these lists on Thoughtcrimes. This article merely intends to inform Americans who believe that the wall between the United States and Mexico is unique and is alone in its purpose of combating illegal immigration, illegal arms smuggling, illegal drug smuggling, and anti-terrorism. The United States is fashionably late to the international party in building walls along our borders. Who knew? Now you do.

By the by, the Great Wall of China at 5,500 miles in length wasn’t entirely effective in halting threats to China from outside incursion. I believe there is an historically-accurate documentary starring Matt Damon that’s being released this year, so if you don’t want to bother with reading textbooks or historically-accurate Wikipedia entries on the Great Wall of China, just wait for Damon’s white-washing (c’mon, really?) documentary to hit theaters.

Perhaps it was a deficiency in the number of border patrol agents China employed that made their Great Wall come up short in the intent:efficacy ratio. With the United States’ border with Mexico being only 1,954 miles long, our Great Wall is sure to be a stupendous success. We have many tools in our toolkit that China did not have. Drone technology, EM communication, satellite imaging, and good ol’ American grit.

Still, smarmy comments aside, where the Great Wall of China is most effective is as a lasting symbol of imposing national might that helped define (and continues to define) Western Civilization’s impression of China. Regardless of how well the United States border wall with Mexico really is in stopping illegal incursions into our country, it will set a tone of strong national sovereignty that has eroded significantly since the 1970s.

And, we have plenty of 100% successful examples of international border barriers from friends around the globe to draw 100% successful ideas, 100% successful insight, and 100% successful inspiration. So, there’s absolutely no reason our Great Wall will fail. No reason at all.