We’ve been holding online peer support groups and peer focus groups for six weeks, and casually I asked how everyone’s services were going, did they need anything from the group, and would they like any specific support from their friends. As a thought, I asked if anyone has called upon the services of Disability Rights New Mexico to help them with housing services, telehealth information, medical guidance, food availability, income assistance, health insurance, and all other primary needs peers have during this lockdown.
The majority answer is “no”, followed by these two most germane replies:
- I don’t know what that is.
- Why would I call them?
As peers navigate the world under pandemic, more and more, clearer and clearer, the true needs of peers are revealed. And that is a blessing we can carry forward in our recovery adventure beyond pandemic.
Epilogue: Yes, I know DRNN is a collaborative of lawyers. I’ll be okay. I understand wgat they believe is their unique contribuyion in the community. Thanks, all’s styling.
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