To be absolutely crystal clear:

Don’t tell me anything about Amanda. Don’t tell Amanda anything about me. Don’t talk to me about Amanda at all. Have I blocked you on Facebook, YouTube, email, etc.? Have I already told you to leave me alone? The reason is you are attempting to talk to me about Amanda.

I’m saying flatly I won’t be bullied. I’m saying flatly I’ve made myself clear. I’m saying flatly I will respond to you with the express purpose of making you leave me alone.

My health is more valuable than all the entitlement your hubris can muster.

I will protect my health. My response to you will upset you. Unfortunately and consequentially, Amanda may be hurt in my prioritized effort to protect myself.

And that is entirely on YOU.

The solution is so simple and is first principle.

Don’t attempt to talk to me about Amanda.

Don’t contact me when I told you to leave me alone.

I will protect my health. Honor my boundary and no consequential harm will Amanda be forced to endure.

I love Amanda. I don’t want her harmed. I love me just as much. I refuse to be harmed.

If you violate my express boundary, if you contact me about Amanda, I’m going to make absolutely certain you never contact me again.

In violating my explicit boundary,YOU are harming Amanda, not me.

Any pain, loss, and harm Amanda experiences because YOU violated my boundary is on YOU. Think it through fully and leave me alone.