With the upcoming animated feature “Wish,” Disney films continue the purposeful trend of lacking strong, moral male characters for boys and young men to identify with. Further, taking the Disney chestnut “when you wish upon a star” trope literally as a superpower to topple a superficially benevolent king who is all-powerful clandestine evil, the thinly allegorical “gurlpower triumphs over patriarchy” is right in line with theming the likes of a mashup Captain Marvel/Barbie verve.
“Wish” isn’t a film that interests even aside from the heavy woke messaging. I gave up on Disney musicals long before Mulan as redundant diminishing entertainment return. Now that James Gunn is done with Disney (who fired him and groveled to get him back) and Harrison Ford has hung up the fedora and whip, it’ll take a really choice Tim Burton film for me to get on board in supporting Woke Disney.
I’m done with Marvel, I’m done with Star Wars, and I’m especially done with Woke Disney social engineering. There are plenty of entertainment choices more worthy of my entertainment dollar and entertainment time. I’m weary of being lectured that I’m a shitty person because I’m male and white (more accurately, half white just like President Obama). When I wish upon a star I’m not wishing for more anti-male propaganda.
Epilogue: I’m good with my choice to employ “anti-male” describing films like “Wish” and “Barbie.” However, I’ll never invoke “male-phobic” in these descriptions. That is the most overused, incorrectly-used social justice trope to express “I don’t like what you’re saying because it’s contrary to my beliefs.” Unless it’s a factual irrational fear, social justice advocates who employ “phobic” as a synonym for “disagree” sound silly with truncated education.
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