I’m changing my friend’s name to Yabutt.
He’s a man plagued by catastrophic premonition regardless of scale. He can be just as troubled by C19 wiping out the entire planet, as he can be worried about using Indiana Jones font on a website because Lucasfilm will file a copyright lawsuit, as he can be anxious over missing his kid’s baseball game and the consequence to custody, scarring his child’s psyche, and how others will view his dependability. To an outside observer it might come off as rampant skepticism. To those closer to the source, it’s revealed that his mind is wired to consider all the ways things can go wrong and all the ways things have gone wrong, with no evidence for either. It’s a compulsion to find fault where none exists.
So why is his name now Yabutt?
Because his go to response in all conversations is “Yeah, but . . .”
Life is more enjoyable when we poke fun at our friends’ little psychoses.
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