One big draw for Route 66 is my Dad and his two brothers came across the Mother Road in 1952. They started their trip in Wisconsin, caught 66 southwest of Chicago, and drove to California with the destination of San Diego. Not quite end to end, but close.
A few years back I was wandering about Roswell, New Mexico, in the area around the UFO museum, and in one of the antique malls was this 1952 Continental Divide pennant. And at $5 less 50% (Christmas sale) it was an easy purchase.

So not only did I grow up with stories of my Dad’s 66 trip, I also grew up with his fascination with the Continental Divide. Everywhere we road tripped in the western US of A we’d stop at the Continental Divide to take photos and have Dad tell us about how to the east water drained to the Atlantic Ocean and the west water drained to the Pacific Ocean. His 1952 trip on Route 66 was the first time he crossed the Continental Divide, right here in New Mexico.
Dad was stoked with his Christmas gift that year.
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