I was asked out by a lass I’ve known for a number of years. She’s sooper dooper pretty (no more “Hot Girlfriend Leapfrog” for me, Belevick) yet always thought “She’s really not my type.”

Then I thought, “Considering my track record, maybe I don’t have the luxury of ‘my type.'”

Sobering and amusing thought. I crack myself up. I haven’t answered her just yet.

I’ve got a new stalker. Collaborating with police departments through the years, I’ve learned documentation is key, and you almost have to wait until something unsavory happens before law enforcement can become involved. An order of protection isn’t a given. This is just way bitchin’.

It seems like dating used to be easier, and what it is, with Clare it was effortless. I got spoiled.

Let’s get past two dates and I’ll have something to share.

I watched “Annihilation.” I loved it. I have no intent on reading some trilogy it’s part of, simply because you want me to agree with you that they screwed up the book. Stop going to see movies based on books you read, masochist. I loved “Starship Troopers” as well.