This post troubles me. Greatly.

(reference facebook screencapture image below)

A first response might be, “I agree! Trump troubles me, too!”

If this is the reponse, then the thrust of my thesis was passed right over.

“This is huge in Healthcare. Do not send me hateful and rude messages.”

Based on this screencapture, if assuming “Trump troubles me” is my point, then it’s only proving my point:

The person who shared this post felt obligated to include a plea not to abuse them. Why?

The reason is because it’s now pure reflex to attack anyone and everyone who shares anything that might be in support of Trump. Don’t deny it. The evidence is slathered all over social media all day and every day.

“Do not send me hateful and rude messages.”

The qualifier and plea not to be abused shouldn’t be second or third or even fourth thought. It shouldn’t even exist as a consideration. What is betrayed here is an expectation abuse is to come AND abusing others is an entitlement.

When it comes to Trump, people should be ready to take shit because if you support Trump you’ve got it coming to you.

I can hear the Mobius retort spinning at warp speed: “Just another Trump supporter who doesn’t get it … he’s obviously stupid and hateful … Just another Trump supporter who doesn’t get it … he’s obviously stupid and hateful … Just another Trump supporter who doesn’t get it … he’s obviously stupid and hateful … Just another Trump supporter who doesn’t get it … he’s obviously stupid and hateful …”

From my Steve’s Thoughtcrimes blog…

Read this:

APPENDIX A: Why Trump Is Not the Candidate I’m Voting For – A Peer Perspective

And then read this:

CHALLENGE: Trump Mental Health Quotes – Four Years vs. Four Days

I don’t support Trump. I never have. I also don’t support abusive people who feel it’s okay to be abusive and it’s a protected right to be abusive.

The person who posted this article about Trump and healthcare obviously deliberated before sharing the article. And, they obviously were preparing themselves for abuse if they did share it.

How is this okay? How did we let our country get to this space where people are weighing if the consequences of free speech are worth the free speech?

This is abuse by mob rule. No one is asking to be abused. No one deserves to be abused. Abuse is never okay. As an accomplished mental health peer advocate and CPTSD survivor this troubles me. Greatly.