Paula screamed at me in public. A lot. For years. At professional meetings and trainings. Her abusive behavior culminated with her screaming and then physically striking me at an MHRAC meeting. Her abusive behavior is too much like my ex-wife, Susan Solverson Cruz, including a certainty her behavior is justified coupled with a definitive lack of accountability.

Her physical attack upon me at MHRAC smashed open an emotional and psychological breakwater of CPTSD with an everlasting hurricane just the other side.

Paula Burton And Susan Solverson Cruz are now held accountable – by me – through witty word and sinister satire.

It’s all about re-empowerment through self-empowerment. And my power is unapologetic humor fueled by my ambrosia-lexicon. And vigilante confidence.

I have many stories of Paula and Susan to share. Buckle up for a deluge of mirth.