Election after election we’re seeing quantified evidence of the permeating ideological rift we’ve been conned into and defend with perfect Pavlovian reflex.

Why are elections “too close to call” until better than 90% reported? Independent candidates snag a few percentage points but elections effectively come down to a few thousand votes, 50.4% to 49.6% one way or the other.

And by one way or the other it means Democrat or Republican. It also means the lesser of two evils, as many American voters complain. This is ridiculous yet we buy into it without a thought.

Stop and lend a few thoughts to how undeniably closer and closer election results are getting. Is there any better example of the “us against them” political mentality of Americans?

Is this really how we want to live? At each other’s throats over issues that matter less than being a united people?

And now I’m on an additional watch list.